The Netflix culture in consultancy: Squad Apps!

Did you know that Netflix doesn't attribute its success to the idea of streaming but to their culture? You can read what this culture means and why we are so interested in it in this post!

Did you know that Netflix attributes its success not to the idea of streaming but to their culture? What this culture means and why we are so interested in it you can read in this post!

The foundation of the Netflix culture consists of: high talent density, being sincere and giving lots of feedback (always with a positive intention) and no rules is the basic rule. So basically what they are saying is that you have to give the best people the freedom to turn an idea into a success. In addition, when you give each other feedback, even better ideas are created. That’s a lot like working in Squads!

How do we apply these ideas concretely at Squad Apps?

High talent density: As a talent and/or experienced consultant you add a lot of value at clients so you deserve a top salary! At Squad Apps you earn in the top of the market.

Being sincere and giving feedback: when you work with so many smart minds, wouldn’t it be crazy if you don’t learn as much as possible from each other? Every week we have two moments where we discuss challenges with each other, Squad ups! In addition, we are responsible as a team and help each other on our projects.

No rules: what works better than the freedom of an informal flat organization with almost no rules. Within a Squad there is a lot of freedom to influence the assignments and tasks you perform and all the activities we will organize (like gaming (the ps4 has been ordered), skiing, drinks, table tennis, beer tastings and much more)!

Enthusiastic about the concept? Let us know!

Squad out!

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Written by
van Kuijk
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6 March 2025
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